Why our Lactation Cookie Bites are gluten-free

Gluten describes a number of proteins typically found in grains such as wheat, rye and barley. In the gut, an enzyme called Protease helps our body to break down proteins but it is unable to completely break down gluten. The undigested gluten makes its way into the small intestine and for some people, can cause issues ranging from digestive discomfort to severe autoimmune responses.

For some, gluten is an intolerance causing problems like bloating, gas and diarrhoea. For others, it is a serious and genetic condition like Coeliac Disease needing a life-long, strict gluten-free diet.

Gluten is also one of the proteins that passes into breastmilk. And for some babies, this can lead to digestive discomfort or symptoms that could indicate an intolerance or allergy to gluten.

And further to this, intolerance or allergy to food can turn up later in life too so there are benefits in waiting until your baby is older to introduce these to them.

HealthEd.govt.nz says “Delaying the introduction of solid food until your baby is ready for it and continuing to breastfeed while you introduce solids – may help prevent allergic reactions to some foods.”

Avoiding an allergen like gluten while you’re breastfeeding in those first six months also allows baby’s immune system longer to develop and strengthen meaning when they are exposed, they may be less likely to react.

And while some infants may not experience a reaction, if Mum does have digestive distress relating to gluten consumption, then her ability to thrive and recover during those first few weeks post-birth will be compromised too.

Luckily for us, gluten isn’t a nutritive requirement and there are plenty of gluten-free alternatives that provide the complex carbs and nutrients typically found in grains containing gluten.

And it’s because of all these things that we have chosen to use gluten-free superfood ingredients in our Boobee Lactation Cookie Bites.

Because we know what is better for you is better for baby!

Please feel welcome to check out our other blog posts covering other common food allergens and problematic foods.

*** The information presented is not medical advice. If you or your baby are experiencing any distress, please see your doctor or midwife.






